Baca Rules Sisi Kiri Dengan Cermat

Baca Rules Sisi Kiri Dengan Cermat

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Blessed Tree, pohon yang pernah menaungi Muhammad SAW

The Blessed Tree atau pohon yang diberkati, adalah salah satu pohon yang tidak ada duanya. Disebutkan dalam cerita bahwa pohon inilah yang pernah menaungi Rasulullah Muhammad SAW ketika duduk beristirahat dibawahnya. Ranting dan daun pohon ini bergerak sendiri membentuk payung rapat menutupi sekitar Muhammad SAW agar ia tidak kepanasan ditengah gurun terik. Disekitar pohon ini tidak ada tanaman lain, tidak ada air, tidak ada apapun kecuali pasir dan batu, hanya pohon ini satu satunya yg berdiri. Kisah tentang pohon ini justru diceritakan oleh pendeta nasrani, Bahira, yang kebetulan dari jauh melihat Muhammad muda melewati wilayah itu dalam rombongan karavan dari Hijajz menuju Syria bersama pamannya. Dari jauh pendeta itu dalam ceritanya mengatakan bahwa awan mengikuti karavan itu membentuk payung teduh, dimana karavan berhenti maka awanpun berhenti, dan karavan berjalan maka awan akan mengikuti, sampai akhirnya rombongan berhenti dibawah pohon itu. Pendeta Bahira menasehati paman nabi agar segera membawa keponakannya pulang ke Mekah dan menjaganya karena keponakannya ini membawa tanda tanda khusus kenabian yang telah dijanjikan dalam tulisan tulisan dimanuskrip tua dari kalangan suku Arab. Selama 1400 tahun pohon ini masih berdiri hingga kini dan masih bisa dilihat wisatawan sekalipun letaknya jauh sekali dipedalaman gurun  ****


The rediscovery of the tree where as a child the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing be upon him) met with Bahira, the Christian monk who foretold the Prophethood of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).

Meeting with the Monk Bahira
The Prophet's first meeting with a Christian occurred when he, as a young boy aged between nine or twelve, joined his uncle's merchant caravan for a trip to Syria. The Christian whom the Prophet Muhammad encountered was the monk, Bahira, who was living in Bostra, a Roman colonial city. Monk Bahira was known for his belief that a prophet was soon to appear among the Arabs. Bahira had studied old manuscripts, where he had learned of the coming of a final prophet, and he was convinced that this prophet would appear in his own lifetime. He was particularly interested in the Arab merchants who visited Syria, to see if his conviction would come true.
Bahira's attention was struck in particular by a caravan from Makka, which to his amazement, was shaded by a cloud that hovered closely above them. The cloud moved as the caravan moved, and did not go any further when they stopped; it was as if it were providing shade for a person or people in the group. When he also noticed that a tree lowered its branches over the caravan to provide further shade, he immediately realized that this caravan must contain an extraordinary person or persons. He invited all of the individuals in the caravan to a meal at his place, but none of their faces revealed the capacity of the expected Prophet. He inquired if there was anyone who had not joined the meal; the answer he received was that Muhammad had been left behind to watch the caravan. He was keen to see Muhammad; and when he actually saw him he realized that he carried all the signs that the awaited Prophet was to have, as described in his books. He told Muhammad's uncle to take him back to Makka as soon as possible in order to guard him against potential enemies.

A meditation on the themes of love of the Prophet, veneration of holy sites, grace and symbolism. This film tells the story of the meeting between the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) and a Christian monk named Bahira. The meeting happened in the shade of a tree.

Fourteen hundred years later that same tree was discovered still alive in the northern deserts of Jordan. The only tree alive in hundreds of square miles of emptiness.


"The Blessed Tree has a fruit, the seed of which plants a new branch of Iman (faith) in the heart. I literally felt my Iman increase while watching this film. There are parts which would reduce even the hardest of hearts to tears." Hamza Yusuf Hanson

"A warm and remarkable witness to one of history's most symbolically crucial religious encounters. The meeting of a devout Byzantine Christian hermit with the future Prophet of Islam in the Syrian desert, is conveyed in a deeply convincing feat of historical reconstruction." T.J. Winter

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