Seiko Kinetic adalah satu produk jam tangan yg dihasilkan dengan cara yg unik. Caranya sederhana saja, gerakan tangan manusia pemakainya dikonversikan oleh kapasitor didalam unit jam lalu kemudian disimpan dalam tenaga batere. Konsep hemat energi ini memungkin jam bisa mempunyai daya listrik (catudaya) yg lebih bershabat dengan lingkungan.
Namun bila pemilik jam Kinetic tidak mau repot menggoyang2 kan jamnya agar batere terisi, Seiko menyediakan alat charger mini untuk me-nyetrum tenaga batere jam agar terisi, cukup hanya 15 menit atau 30 menit saja. Nama produknya adl Seiko YT02A kinetic charger unit, atau disebut: Seiko Kinetic Charger unit.
Proses cepat dengan cara charging untuk memudahkan pemakainya jika jam tersebut sudah tersimpan lama selama 1 bulan dan lama keadaan tidur. Untuk mengisi baterenya tidak usah sekian belas kali menggoyangkan jam itu, cukup dengan charger saja, letakan jam disana maka batere akan terisi sendiri sampai penuh.
Sayangnya charger ini tidak mudah ditemukan dijual dibanyak toko jam.
Charger hanya dijual diservice centre resmi Seiko yg ada di Blok M Jakarta. Jadi jika memang pengen barang ini, tampaknya harus datang kesana dan membeli satu unit. ***
Kinetic: A powerhouse in technological innovation
Like mechanical and quartz, Kinetic is a platform. Over the past 20 years, SEIKO has created on this platform a suite of Kinetic movements, each bringing unique features to the consumer.
It was at the 1986 Basel Fair that SEIKO unveiled its first Kinetic prototype. Introduced under the trial name of 'AGM', it was the first watch in the world to convert kinetic movement into electrical energy. It was the first step in a development that, 20 years later, has made Kinetic synonymous with environmental friendliness, high performance and long-lasting convenience to a generation of users worldwide. From the launch in 1988 of the first commercially available watch (then under the new name AGS) until today, over eight million Kinetic watches have been sold (as of 2007).
In 1998, Kinetic Auto Relay was released, extending the 'at-rest' operating period of the watch to a remarkable 4 years. 1999 saw the launch of the Ultimate Kinetic Chronograph, a masterpiece which fused the very best of SEIKO's mechanical and electronic watch making skills, and in 2003 another Kinetic Chronograph was launched. At Baselworld 2005, the Kinetic Perpetual made its first appearance, combining Kinetic convenience and longevity with a perpetual calendar, correct to the year 2100. In 2007, SEIKO's emotional technology Kinetic Direct Drive is introduced.
The Seiko Story
From Humble beginnings, Kintaro Hattori’s Vision for Seiko has become reality. A consuming passion for excellence - imprinted in our Corporate DNA passed from generation to generation. Seiko, for 125 years committed to the art and science of time.
A culture of innovation connects a 19th century Tokyo clock shop with 20th century advances in timekeeping to an extraordinary 21st century "quiet revolution." Continually driven by dedication and passion, established a multitude of world’s first technologies… transforming the principles of timekeeping.
The first quartz wristwatch – changed the history of time.
The first Kinetic – marked a new era in quartz watch technology.
In 1969, Seiko Astron, the first quartz wristwatch - was introduced.
In an instant, Seiko exponentially improved the accuracy of wristwatches –And Seiko technology firmly established today’s standard in Olympic and sports timing.
1984, another celebrated first – Kinetic Technology – powered by body movement.
Kinetic – a quartz mechanism with unparalleled accuracy –the driving force behind more world’s firsts.
Kinetic Chronograph – the next generation of high performance timekeeping.
Kinetic Auto Relay – automatically resets to the correct time.
Kinetic Perpetual - combining the date perfect technology of perpetual calendar with the genius of Kinetic Auto Relay.
And now Kinetic Direct Drive – move, and the watch is powered automatically. Or hand wind it and see the power you are generating in real time.
In the realm of fine watches, time is measured by Seiko innovation – A heritage of dedication to the art and science of time.

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