Baca Rules Sisi Kiri Dengan Cermat

Baca Rules Sisi Kiri Dengan Cermat

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mafia Narkoba Mentargetkan Membunuh Seekor Anjing Polisi

Berita yang cukup aneh: kelompok mafia narkoba Brazil ingin membunuh anjing Polisi bernama Boss. Pasalnya anjing satu ini dikenal sangat jagoan mencari tumpukan narkotika yang disembunyikan rapi oleh para komplotan, baik dibalik tembok atau ditempat rapat lainnya. Boss membuat penggerebekan Polisi panen besar, dan inilah yang membuat Boss ditargetkan untuk dibunuh oleh para godfather narkoba. Kabarnya, boss bisa menemukan bekas selinting ganja yang sdh dibakar dibawah tumpukan tanah, sebegitu hebatnya anjing satu ini.
Rasanya, baru kali ini sepanjang sejarah narkotika modern ada anjing masuk dalam target harus dibunuh.
Aneh bener?

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Published: 30th October 2012
MOBSTERS in Brazil have put a contract on the head of a Labrador named Boss.
The police sniffer dog had a "death order" imposed on him by a gang in Rio de Janeiro after he discovered a massive drugs stash.

Boss used his impressive sniffing skills to unearth more than 660 pounds of cannabis hidden inside a false wall in a slum.

Officers patrolling the violent Manguinhos slum intercepted a radio message from a trafficking kingpin with an order to "target brownie" - a reference to the dog's colour.

The five-year-old police pooch is the most feared amongst the 68 sniffer dogs in Rio's vast slums, cops say.

He has been known to home in on a single hidden cannabis joint buried in the ground several metres away.

The gangsters recently tried to throw him off the scent by hiding a batch of drugs next to an open sewage drain, but the Labrador still managed to lead officers to them despite the pungent smell.

Major Vitor Valle, from Rio's military police dog squad, said Boss will continue to work in the slum but will now be protected by nine policemen.

It is the first time one of their dogs has received a death threat from the powerful drugs factions.

He said: "Since 1955, when the dog squad was first formed, have we never had a case like this. We haven't even had a dog injured during police operations."

Major Valle said Boss had always been an "excellent" sniffer dog.

He said: "He's become a target because of the amount of the traffickers' drugs he's helped seize.

"We see this as a normal situation. Every one of us is at risk who are working against drugs trafficking.

"A dog can also be threatened, especially as our dogs have helped find more than 1.5 tonnes of drugs in the last year. It won't stop us, or him, doing our work."

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